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Cosmic Healing Qigong

Cosmic Meditation Qigong; Cosmic Healing Nourishing Life Qigong; combines elements of meditation and qigong. Specifically designed to support healing in self and others.

Cosmic Healing Way Of Nourishing Life

Cosmic Meditation Qigong. Specifically designed to support healing in self and others. Daoists used it as medicine to acquire calmness and clarity, Specifically designed to support healing in self and others.

Keep The Mind In One - Mindwill

Train Cosmic Meditation

The “Cosmic Healing Way of Nourishing Life Qigong” and online course is a unique program designed to cater to aspiring healers, movement practitioners, and health professionals. Created by Dr. Jeff Lan, this meditation-based Qigong program places a strong emphasis on enhancing mental wellness and is tailored to accommodate individuals with busy lifestyles.
Dr. Jeff Lan created the program to help both beginners and experts learn and develop skills and abilities by integrating Daoist Qigong and Meditation techniques.

Cosmic Meditation Qigong; Cosmic Healing Nourishing Life Qigong; combines elements of meditation and qigong, a system of actions that encourages the cultivation and flow of Qi (vital energy) within the body.

The goal of Cosmic Meditation Qigong is to harmonize and balance the body, mind, and spirit. Cosmic Meditation Qigong; Cosmic Healing Nourishing Life Qigong; emphasizes the integration of the physical, energetic, and spiritual parts of oneself.

It seeks to create a sense of unity and harmony within the practitioner, urging a state of natural flow and balance. Individuals may experience enhanced vitality, improved health, mental clarity, emotional well-being, and a deeper connection to the Dao via persistent practice.  

To assist Lifestyles, Work-Life Balance, and Self-Care.

Clarity With Dr. Jeff Lan

Feeling lost, not centered, anxious, stressed, and when you meditate; yet, you are still not connected, and, do not have the sense of being mindful?

One common complaint my patients keep telling me; “I cannot meditate, as I cannot keep still, and, it’s boring to just sit down doing nothing.”

Well; give yourself the chance to learn the Cosmic healing program, be patient and learn without expectation, you will see the Cosmic Healing Way Benefits.

You will learn to understand the Mind Will; Explore your True Heart, Awaken your Lifeforce, Detach from the Five Senses, Observe and Detach from the five Evil stages; Form, Action, Perception, Mind, and Consciousness.

You will embrace the principle and concept of “KeepThe Mind In ONE”, emptiness is one idea; to understand your self-care and self-healing. Connect and understand the Healing Codes. You will learn how to circulate the Qi in the meridians and collaterals, how to restore Qi to its normal function, and Sink Qi deep into the lower dantian.


Cosmic Meditation Qigong; Cosmic Healing Nourishing Life Qigong; is the name of a form of Qigong that has its roots in Daoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy. To enhance Qi circulation and accumulation during this exercise, individuals frequently use various physical postures, gentle movements, breath control techniques, and mental imagery. The focus is on creating a profound state of relaxation, inner stillness, and mindfulness. Practitioners aspire to do this in order to harmonize with the Dao, the basic force that underlies all creation, and to connect with the universe’s natural rhythms.


To acquire calmness and clarity,

balance heart emotion,

to nourish Qi in the cauldron,

to unify mind will and congenital nature,

to harmonise the three dantians,

transform Jing to Qi to Shen,

unlock the three healing codes,

enhance Qi and blood circulation,

nourishing Yin to control Yang,

harmonising the Element of Fire and water


Learning Progress

1. Follow the program step by step to achieve maximum results and benefits.

2. Pay a lot of attention to the basic foundation, do not rush in learning.

3. Empty your cup each day when training


Distinguish between student and instructor:

The student and the instructor course follow the same principle of the course practice but the instructor course has more Qigong patterns to learn and they need to spend 200 hours of intense training per level. The student may choose to advance to elevate others as a coach or remain content in elevating themselves.


Active and Powerful Choices to Gain or Maintain an Optimal Level of Overall Health and Longevity.

Daoist Philosophy

In Traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese martial arts, the Daoist philosophy assists with the deeper layers of experiential and intellectual learning processes. In Daoism, the ultimate goal is to let go of organized societies and human constructs, and to become one with nature.

Dao; means the Way or the Path.

The basic idea of the Daoists was to enable people to realize that, since human life is really only a small part of a larger process of nature, the only human actions which ultimately make sense are those which are in accord with the flow of Nature; the Dao or the Way.

Wu Wei; non-doing or doing nothing.

Sounds like a pleasant invitation to relax or worse, fall into laziness or apathy. Yet this concept is key to the noblest kind of action according to the philosophy of Daoism and is at the heart of what it means to follow Dao or The Way.

The 4 principles;

1. Simplicity, patience, compassion.

2. Going with the flow. (When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.)

3. Letting Go. (If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to.)

4. Harmony.


Skills & Ability Gain

Understand And Apply Self-Healing
Enhance The Practitioners Healing Ability
Unify The Mind
Congenital Nature and Congenital Life Force
Connecting Jing – Qi – Shen
Understanding Ones Emotion From Negative Energy To Positive Energy
Cultivate And Nourish The Qi
Technical Details On How To Sink The Qi In Lower Dantian
How To Execute Dantian Breathing
While Assuming Postures, Sitting, Standing, or Lying Down, At Work
Understand the Process of Grounding


To Acquire Calmness and Clarity

To Balance Heart Emotion

To Nourish Qi in the Cauldron

To Unify Mind Will and Congenital Nature

Harmonise the Three Dantian

Transform Jing to Qi to Shen

Unlocking The Three Healing Codes

Enhance Qi and Blood Circulation

Nourish Yin to Control Yang

Harmonising Fire and Water


Understanding of the Mind will

Explore your True Heart

Awaken your Life force

Connect the five senses, form, action, perception, mind, and consciousness

Embrace the principle and concept of; Keep The Mind in ONE

Embracing emptiness into a single idea

Understand your personal and client self-care and healing

Circulating Qi in the meridians and collaterals

Restoring Qi to its normal function

Sinking Qi deep into the Lower Dantian

Train Cosmic Meditation

Join the Journey

Tai Chi & Qigong

Self Care