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How To Train

A Simple Assist

All too often all we need to do is slow down.

The view becomes clear when we slow down.

Tai Chi

How Train

With us at 1MindBodyFitness.

How Train

I really don’t think online learning is as good as live lessons?

Being a ‘digital nomad’ in COVID-19 isolation is, ironically, a ‘thing.’ This is why the jury is still out on online learning and why many continue to ponder the advantages and disadvantages. 

Learning online; for our business; has become an excellent transference of information support systems; in a very positive way!

Benefiting our members with more access to learning which would normally be lost if forgotten.

We have managed to understand; that the ancient knowledge-based system; handed down from master to student; is a brilliant idea.

But that is where it stops. Information often gets lost or misrepresented; can now be verified, documented, and archived.

These factors influenced us to be more creative with our program presentations and how it is to be communicated.

Tai Chi
sliver membership

Train Online

How & Why?

Often when we are too busy we rush through life chasing. We need to find space within this chaos for our self-care.

Many ridicule online training. There is a saying;” you will never understand if you never try”.  Here we answer a few questions for you; view them by clicking this link.

Whether you are on a business trip or have a full day of meetings, try gentle exercises that are quick to learn and easy to integrate into your schedule as allocated in our courses.

NB: The costs are stated as per the course. Any in-person interaction will change the price.

tai chi quan course
cosmic qigong course
five animla qigong course

“The slow, meditative, and flowing movements soothe and support the free energy flow in the body and release the effects of stress. If you exercise regularly, you will experience new energy, avoid fatigue and burnout, and find yourself fitter and more motivated in your job.”

Train In-Person

How & Why?

We are only available at certain times; often these times do not meet with your and our busy schedule.

We have specifically allocated in-person workshops, seminars, and weekly sessions catering to these needs.

We have integrated the two worlds of in-person lessons and online reference access.

 Learning online; for our business; has become an excellent transference of information support system.

In this way, we can directly transfer information often neglected or forgotten over time.

Information often gets lost or misrepresented; can now be verified, documented, and archived.  

You won’t miss a thing and we are human after all. We won’t be around forever, but the information will be. innocent

NB: The costs are stated as per the course. Any in-person interaction will change the price.

health qigong courses online
courses online
Tai Chi
teach tai chi online lessons
teach cosmic qigong now online
Health Qigong

Teacher Training

How & Why?

This sector has dedicated web pages per topic:

This is a simple process of clicking the topic of interest to view the breakdown of each.

Teacher Programs are:

  1. Tai Chi Quan
  2. Cosmic Healing Qigong
  3. Health Qigong

Each course has its own criteria and demands.

The full course is not for display, but an overview provides a very good overview of outcomes.

The teacher is required to attend both 1. in-person and 2. online lessons to obtain the required hours to qualify and obtain merit.

In-person can be done livestream if not in the designated location of the lessons. t & c’s apply.

On completion of each sector, we furnish certification for the designated course.

To strengthen our services, our teachers/coaches may join our international community and associate with respectable, globally recognized regulatory organizations.

NB: The costs are stated as per the course. Any in-person interaction will change the price accordingly.

The core of 1Mind Body Fitness is Tai Chi and Qigong to connect and positively influence the body’s physical responses, thereby decreasing stress toward a calm, body, and mental relaxation. Amplifying the principles of “Keep the Mind in One ©”

five elements qigong
courses online
Give back Program